A Noongar activist was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct at a protest outside Woodside’s Perth offices yesterday.

Des Blurton was protesting against Woodside’s planned Burrup Hub expansions and sale of gas to Perdaman, both of which he says put Aboriginal heritage sites at risk.

A video obtained by Ngaarda Media shows Mr Blurton outside the Woodside building shortly before his arrest.

“How dare you, Woodside, rip up Aboriginal sacred land for your gain and your dollars?” he says in the video.

“How do you do that to another human race, to the traditional owners of this land?”

Mr Blurton received a $500 on-the-spot fine and a move-on notice.

Archeologists says Woodside destroyed around 4000 rock art sites during the construction of the Karratha Gas Plan in the 1980s.

Woodside's new expansions will be built within the footprint of existing facilities and will not involve the removal of rock art sites.

Three rock art sites will be removed to make way for Perdaman.

Some scientists fear emissions from both projects will erode rock art.

Des Blurton is arrested outside the Woodside building. Credit: Supplied.

Tangiora Hinaki