Terri Sharp and a person in a possum suit at the Gelorup Wildlife Corridor. Credit: Gerard Mazza.

In Gelorup in the South West, ongoing clearing of endangered possum habitat has been paused until early next year.

Gelorup resident and campaigner Terri Sharp says large areas of native forest that are home to the critically endangered Western Ringtail Possum have been cleared over the past month to make way for the Bunbury Outer Ring Road.

“They’ve gone hard through some of the denser areas which have been known to have a good, high population of Western Ringtail Possums,” she said.

Because of a mitigation strategy for the possum, Main Roads was only able to clear in areas with a high population of the species until August 30.

According to a Main Roads spokesperson, one Western Ringtail Possum was injured during clearing last week and subsequently died.

Clearing is still permitted in areas where fewer possums are found.

Ms Sharp says wildlife continues to be at risk.

“We still have Western Ringtail Possums possibly in that area or using that area as temporary refuge, but it is not as high a concentration,” she said.

“Western Ringtail Possums are known to have a fairly wide range within their territories, and they won’t just stay in one place.”

The Main Roads spokesperson said management plans to protect the possum are in place and the organisation takes its responsibilities seriously.

Tangiora Hinaki