Ernie Dingo's work to go to the moon.

Courtesy Ernie Dingo


In a first for an Aboriginal Australian, a well known Yamaji man and multi media artist will have his work sent to the Moon.

Ernie Dingo said it came about because he participated in the internet TV program “Put Some Colour in Your Life TV” with his friend Graham Stevenson.

Now the entire series is to be loaded onto a space craft to be deposited on the Moon’s south pole.

Mr Dingo said it was part of the “Lunar Codex” project, a sort of time capsule.

“Lunar Codex” is to protect and preserve the creative art for future generations,” he said.

“Like a message in a bottle sort of thing, the only trouble is, to see it you have to go to the South Pole of the Moon.”

Mr Dingo said the mission was scheduled for next year.

Tangiora Hinaki