Credit: Twitter, Tanya Plibersek.

The federal government is investing millions to establish a better flood warning system.

Flooding has devastated communities across the country, with dozens of areas breaking rain records last year.

Now, the federal government is investing $236 million to establish a national flood warning network, which it says will enable communities, emergency services and businesses to prepare and respond to future flooding events.

Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek told ABC Radio National that the National Flood Warning Network has been recommended by multiple reviews and inquiries into flood warning systems. 

Minister Plibersek said funds will be used to help emergency services, upgrade flood gauges, and help the public. 

“Starting in places like Queensland where the flood risks are greatest, it will be able to give people more warning,” she said.

“That means that they can get out, they can prepare their homes better, they can take whatever course of action they need.”

Tangiora Hinaki