Liz and Neil McGlip. Credit: Facebook, Destination Pilbara.

Tourism experts from around Australia are coming to Karratha for the first-ever Pilbara tourism conference to share knowledge and inspiration for the future of tourism in the region.

Speakers at the Destination Pilbara’s Warlu Way Tourism Conference will share and build on knowledge in various aspects of tourism.

There will be free workshops and training for people to get certified and gain the knowledge required to start up their own tourism business.

The Warlu Way Tourism Conference will happen on April 4 and 5 in Karratha at the Red Earth Arts Centre.

Speakers will share insights into marketing, astrotourism, social media, events, local government, visitor servicing and tour guiding.

Pilbara Tourism Association project consultant Neil McGilp said this is more than just a conference.

“As part of the conference itself, we do have some breakout sessions, but those speakers are staying to do some more intense workshops,” he said.

“There will be a lot of time for people to get some really great insights into things like social media marketing and tour guide training.”

One of the extra training sessions will be an Aboriginal Tour Guide Training Workshop led by Savannah Tour Guide Operator Russel Boswell.

“This is a really great way to keep culture strong for individuals and community,” he said.

“I’m particularly excited about coming to Ieragamadu to do two days of tour guide training on March 30 and 31.

“We will be talking about the job of tour guiding and hear about the participant’s stories of how tour guiding can fit into their lives.”

There will also be an Eco-Guide Training Workshop that will educate more experienced tour guiders about environmentally friendly tourism practices and management.

If you would like to find out more, visit Tourism Destinations Conference website

Tangiora Hinaki