Acting WA Police Commissioner Kylie Whiteley. Photo Credit: Wa Police Force Facebook page.

Premier Mark McGowan announced on Tuesday that some types of firearms will become illegal, but that the state government will fund a full market value buyback. 

The funds will be deposited into a nominated bank account within eight weeks of the firearm being surrendered to authorities.

56 longer-range high-power firearms and those capable of piercing armour plating will be illegal from July 1st this year.

19 calibres of ammunition will also become illegal in Western Australia.

The crackdown on these firearms follows a request for the ban from the Police force, who are concerned the weapons could be used against officers.

WA Police acting Commissioner Kylie Whiteley spoke of the dangers these high-powered weapons could pose to Police officers.

‘‘Some projectiles from these firearms are capable of penetrating the body armour worn by police officers, as well as most hard surfaces of police vehicles from up to two kilometres away,’’ she said.

‘‘With specific types of rounds, a bullet from these firearms can also penetrate WA Police Force armoured vehicles.’’

Tangiora Hinaki