Senator Smith calls for closer Kimberley crime collaboration

State and Federal authorities can cooperate more closely to fight a new juvenile crime trend, according to Senator Dean Smith.

"In all the years that I've been travelling across the Kimberley, people have been telling me on this most recent trip that the level of lawlessness is at a level that they've not previously seen," he said.

After visiting Derby and Fitzroy Crossing last week, Senator Smith said people told him kids were making a kind of “sport” out of breaking into houses and shops.

"Young people using Tik Tok as a way of videoing misbehaviour, videoing young people breaking into shops, breaking into liquore stores, breaking into people's homes, videoing that level of activity then posting it and creating it as a bit of a sport out of home invasion, creating a bit of sport out of causing distress and harrassment to residents and shop owners," he said.

Senator Smith said this was a Federal offence and the Commonwealth was responsible for prosecuting offenders who misused social media.

However he said the videos did provide an opportunity for WA Police.

"If the material is on social media it should be easier to police," he said.

Senator Smith said State and Federal authorities should explore creative ways of tackling regional crime.

The Liberals are conducting a series of community crime forums in Kimberley towns this week.

Senator Dean Smith visited Fitzroy Crossing and Derby last week.
Tangiora Hinaki