Photo Credit: Juluwarlu Art Group

After a recent incident in which children stole a car and used it to ram another car in the middle of Roebourne, a local is calling for action.

Yinjibarndi man Charlie Cheedy wants to see a community meeting to address growing youth crime in Karratha, Wickham and Roebourne.

“Are we waiting till it’s too late for the children that are doing these crimes to come to be a victim of these crimes because you never know if one day you’re going to have an officer come knock on your door to identify a child that’s laying in hospital”

Mr Cheedy said he would like young offenders taken on country to learn bushcraft, culture and respect.

“My plan is when I finish my working career I want to start a program taking kids out on country teaching them about country, their language, the names of places, how to be on the ngura, all this sort of stuff when you teach kids these steps in life they come up with their own version of respect, they start to respect you and they start to respect others”

Mr Cheedy urged parents who were having trouble with their kids to ask for help and advice if they needed it.

Tangiora Hinaki