Safe 4 Kids training material

A well-known child safety trainer says the growth of adult content on social media was making it more urgent than ever for young people and children to learn to manage consent and about appropriate behaviour.

Holly-Anne Martin told Wongki Radio that teenagers she worked with admitted to watching two hours of adult content each week.

“And when I say: ‘fellas why would you look at that?’ they say ‘oh, to learn technique Miss, and to learn style’,” she said.

“But we need to teach consent from when they’r really little. With adults the content that they hear is quite strong because when I am talking with children about, for instance, grooming, kid are being groomed on Tik Tok and things like that.”

Ms Martin, from the behaviour program called Safe4Kids, is working this week in the Fitzroy Valley.

Tangiora Hinaki