Karratha’s Red Earth Arts Precinct. Credit: Hunt Architects.
The intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is coming to Karratha for its Meeting of Mining Regions and Cities.
The last meeting was hosted by Chile in 2017, and this year’s gathering will be held in June at the Red Earth Arts Precinct.
The conference will see international delegates discuss the topic of diversification and liveable and sustainable cities.
City of Karratha Deputy Mayor Kelly Nunn said the conference will showcase the city’s ongoing efforts to become Australia’s most liveable regional city.
“We certainly have a big part to play in sharing our story and our journey along the way,” she said.
“Diversification has been high on our list of economic development opportunities in our region, to make sure that we have lots of opportunities for people to choose to live here and stay here.”