NGAARDA WILA: 16th August 2024

In today’s Ngaarda Wila program presented by Tangiora Hinaki..

We have Dorinda Cox’s reaction to a daming Senate committee report concerning the stories of murdered and missing First Nations women and children.

We hear from the NAIDOC scholar of the year, Aunty Rev Denise Champion, about what the award means to her.

In Broome - Naomi Pigram stars in and directs this year’s A Taste of Broome event. Marion Cheedy talks to the singer and songwriter.

In country Victoria an Aboriginal council is asking for land in the Central Highlands to be declared Cultural Reserves.

It’s also not too late to get involved with National Science Week.

To listen to Tangiora Hinaki presenting Ngaarda Wila click on the link below.