Nulla (right) and Matt (left) Mongoo
Credit: Melissa Mongoo
A relative of a 13-year-old boy, who passed away in a Geraldton house fire, has set up A Go Fund Me page to support the family.
Nulla Mongoo, passed away on Monday after suffering terrible burns.
The boy’s mother, Melissa Kim Mongoo, told Ngaarda Media Nulla was happy and had lots of friends.
“He was mumma’s boy,” she said.
“He had a big heart.”
Nulla’s brother Matt and a friend were also in the fire and are in Perth Children’s Hospital in critical condition.
Ms Mongoo said Matt was “just stable.”
“He’s still fighting. He’s very strong.”
The daughter in law, Nadina Ryan, set up the page at Ms Mongoo’s request. All funds raised are to support the family in this tragic time.
Listen to the full interview below: