LEFT: Nicky Haves is the founder of Spinifex Skateboards. RIGHT: Artist, Shantara Conway, was 15 years of age when she painted this design for Spinifex Skateboards. CREDIT: Photos supplied by Spinifex Skateboards.

The skateboarding scene in Australia is paying attention to First Nations skateboarders who are doing big things.

Eastern Arrente man Nicky Hayes started social enterprise Spinifex Skateboards in 2015, when he successfully campaigned for the first indoor skatepark in a Northern Territory remote community to be built in Ltyentye Apurte.

Now, Spinifex Skateboards sells boards featuring artwork by Aboriginal artists, and was featured in the most recent edition of Slam Skateboarding magazine.

Mr Hayes is also a member of Songline Skateboarding, Australia’s first all-Indigenous skateboarding team, who’ll be in Roebourne this weekend for a youth skateboarding day.

“I can’t wait to be a part of it, to be there and be amongst it, talking to the local mob too,” he said.

“I can’t wait to have fun and skate.”

The event takes place from 10 am on Saturday at Roebourne Skate Park.

Tangiora Hinaki