LEFT: Neurologist Carolyn Orr is calling for a ban on fossil fuel advertising. Credit: Supplied. RIGHT: Fossil fuel company Woodside are major sponsors of the Fremantle dockers, and their advertising is prominent at Fremantle’s home games.


A Perth neurologist is calling for a ban on all advertising for coal, gas and oil companies to prevent health problems caused by the fossil fuel industry.

Dr Carolyn Orr said fossil fuels cause health problems through air pollution, plastic toxification and climate change.

“You’re going to see a massive move of doctors to step up and fight the fossil fuel industry, just as we did a few decades ago when it was doctors versus tobacco,” she said.

Dr Orr recently co-wrote an article with Perth GP Richard Yin calling on other medical professionals to back a ban.

The article said one in five deaths globally is a result of air pollution from burning fossil fuels, and between 2000 and 2019 more than 5 million annual premature deaths were attributable to a warming climate.

Dr Orr told Ngaarda Media that fossil fuel companies sponsor sporting and cultural institutions because it helps them to sell more of their products.

She said that in Western Australia, “Fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship is everywhere.”

In particular, Dr Orr said it was inappropriate for Perth science museum Scitech, which lists Chevron, Shell and Woodside as major partners, to receive fossil fuel sponsorship.

“Scitech is our children’s museum, and yet fossil fuels through climate change are the greatest threat to children’s health there’s ever been,” she said.

In a statement, Scitech defended the sponsorship arrangements, saying funding from the resources sector helps it to fulfill its purpose, but its educational content is produced independently.

“Scitech has committed to conducting our own operations in the most environmentally sustainable way, including a reduction in our carbon footprint,” the statement said.

Research shows that bans on tobacco advertising have been effective around the world in reducing health problems associated with smoking.

Listen to the full interview with Dr Orr and read Scitech’s full statement below.

Statement from Scitech:
Scitech is a not for profit and like many Western Australian organisations, we receive funding from a variety of industries, including the resources sector. We do this so we can fulfill our purpose to inspire engagement by Western Australians in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), including in regional and remote parts of the state so that every Western Australian can have STEM opportunities regardless of their location.

“All Scitech partnerships and sponsorship are considered in line with our strategic and business plans, and while these relationships do enable much of the work we do in the community, our content is produced independent of these partnerships.

“Scitech has committed to conducting our own operations in the most environmentally sustainable way, including a reduction in our carbon footprint. Like any business, such a transition must take a measured approach to ensure we can continue to deliver STEM engagement, literacy and awareness that aligns with community sentiment and expectation.”

Tangiora Hinaki