The Dampier Sharks’ victory after five long years of the Cat’s reign has brought an outpouring of emotion and reflection from both Tanya Adams and Allanah Morley-Davies. Tanya Adams described the feeling as "absolutely magic," emphasising the significance of their win by calling it the “greatest Underdog Story in the MPFL.” She elaborated, “We went out and did that, so there’s no better feeling to bring that flag down here and know that we will hang that in our club rooms forever, and no one can take that away from us.” This sense of accomplishment was not just about the win but about how every player contributed to making history.

For Allanah Morley-Davies, the triumph felt surreal, reflecting on their journey from heavy defeats to the championship. “Honestly, it feels pretty amazing,” she said, reflecting on the contrast between their starting point and their current success. She highlighted the strategic game plan that led them to victory, noting, “We had to stay within a two-goal reach because the Cats are a very strong attacking team.” Her focus on the strategic aspects and the mindset work with the younger players was pivotal in overcoming a well-rounded opponent.

Addressing the controversial coffin ordered by the Cats, both Tanya and Allanah chose to interpret it with a degree of understanding. Allanah suggested, “I don’t really think that the coffin was to say that we were going to lose anything like that,” and speculated that it might have been related to the Cats’ own team transitions. Tanya echoed a similar sentiment, stating, “I don’t think it was about the Dampier Sharks. I think the funeral theme was mourning the players retiring and coming to an end of their playing season with the Cats.” Their reflections underscore a respectful perspective on the tradition and their triumphant achievement.