Cyclone season runs from November to April in the North West. Credit Department of Fire and Emergency Services.


The annual cyclone season is almost upon us and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services warns people in communities near the Kimberley and Pilbara coast to start preparing now.

DFES Pilbara superintendent Peter McCarthy said it was vital to make properties safe by securing any loose material in yards, and to have a plan of action in case a cyclone hit.

“We really encourage people to take this month or so to look at their preparation,” he said.

“That’s their personal preparation as well: to talk about their cyclone plan and where they’re going to have a safe place, how they’re going to manage that and have their emergency kit put together with portable radio, batteries, mobile phone charger and at least five days of food and water.”

Mr McCarthy said the soil still held plenty of moisture, so any cyclone crossing the coast was likely to cause severe flooding.

“Unfortunately, the majority of people who drown during flooding events are locals who think they know the road or the floodway,” he said.

“Something’s a bit different to what they’ve expected and unfortunately it’s deadly. So the easiest way is just to wait or turn around and go back where you came from.”

More information is available from the DFES website or by calling 13 33 37, that’s 13 DFES.

Tangiora Hinaki