Rusty the dog came close to being a Dingo’s lunch at a car park near Karijini National Park. Photo courtesy Vicki Uhlmann.


A Queensland tourist travelling in a caravan warns fellow travellers to be wary of dingoes in places where they had lost their fear of humans.

Vicki Uhlmann was camping last week at Dale’s Gorge in Karajini National Park, where she was told people had been feeding dingoes.

Other campers warned her to pick up her small dog and put it in a safe place as a dingo approached.

“I went back to the van and picked up Rusty and put him in the van,” she said. “And then stood there anyway. The dingo just kept coming until he was at the spot where Rusty had been tied up. So had I not been back there having lunch he could have been the dingo’s lunch.”

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