Kerry Davis was on his way to the dentist when he decided to pull into a petrol station to fuel up. As he was lining up he noticed a man in his late 50s in front of him.

“As I was walking to the counter it looked like he was having a seizure, Mr Davis said. “He passed out and fell on his back. It happened quick. He hit the ground and I slid into grab him because my brother has fits and I thought he was having a fit so I put him into recovery position and then his face went purple. It was scary. I shouted to the lady behind the counter to ring an ambulance. I performed CPR as soon as we knew he did not have a pulse.

Mr Davis said that the distressed man made a noise and they checked his pulse and were relieved to feel the blood pulsing under his skin.

4x World Champion Professional Boxer Danny Green praised Davis for his heroic performance.

“Appreciate this hero, Bloody legend. Former Amateur boxer outta Northam back in the day. We salute you.”

Tangiora Hinaki