Travelling outside of Australia was a foreign concept to Photographer Danny Dalton from the Gameroi nation.

However, after receiving an inheritance, Danny could fulfil a childhood dream and take himself and his ‘Elvis-loving’ mother to the big U S of A.

``When I received an inheritance I decided to honour my father by doing things he would have wanted me to do, taking my mother who raised me on her own was a proud moment for me”.

Whilst visiting Graceland, the home of Elvis in Memphis, Danny and his mother made sure to represent mob by dressing in outfits that showcase Aboriginal culture.

On the Graceland tour, they met another member on the tour who recommended they visit the Civil Rights Museum, the very hotel where Martin Luther King was shot at. 

The Grand Canyon was next on the list.

“The Grand Canyon is everything you think it would be. The colours are striking, and just like all the roots, the colours change throughout the day, Danny explained.  

We were welcomed to Country by First Nations people who sang and I could speak to them as they were seated inside a shop where I purchased traditional items. I had to ask the cashier if they were authentically First Nations-made or if they were from China and he told me that they were authentic and I was able to meet two of the traditional owners.”

New tourists to the US are sometimes baffled by the tipping culture.  

“For us knowing how tipping works was one of the first hurdles, but most of the electronic systems. They had buttons to press on a tip percentage. It was also hard to not engage in political conversations that locals wanted to have. 

I remember reading on Safe Traveller that when travelling to the US, you should avoid political discussions. 

However, many locals would try and get your opinions on certain political discussions. I didn't bite once and that was what was to be respected.”

Danny and his mother spotted Patrick Dempsey from ‘Sweet Home Alabama” and Danny also went to the Sherri Show. 

“ When I was alone in New York I had a ticket to the Sherri show and I took a First Nation's blouse with me as a gift. So at the end of the taping, the producers took me to meet her.

When I was able to hand her the gift, we had a great chat and posed for a photo.  Sherrie would be known in Australia for the time she spent on the TV show called The View. 

Here are a few travel tips from Danny Dolton. 

“No question is a stupid question!  Go online and find information on Smart Travelers as it is very accurate and important knowledge for you to have about the country like going to. 

YouTube is great and full of videos that will help, you know, what to expect and places to visit. plan parts of your trips to see the big bucket list items, but also leave room for spontaneous moments because those are the experiences you will treasure the most.”

Never think your circumstances are the biggest block to being able to experience new things. 

At 48,  I was able to go to Disney World. So it's never too late to realize your childhood dream. I really wanted to say that having a bucket list and actually achieving it is something that will drive you to want to do more of that.

So I've come back with a fire in my belly to do more travel and see what the world has to offer.”