Ngaarda Media’s Jessie Ayre recently sat down with Goldfields woman Sharon Dimer to discuss her claims to be the rightful heir to claim the nation of Australia back from colonization due to her bloodline.

Sharon claims to have documentation to support her claims of her lineage going back to King Tickenbutt and King Murro Mulurpulni. See the interview below.

Please note: Ngaarda Media cannot independently verify the authenticity of the documents presented

Q: You are from the Kalaako tribe also known as People of fire - Tell me your chief, King TickenButt? Who was he and why is he a King? 

King Tickenbutt's colonial name was Fred McGill. There is a paperback on the “Ambiguous Aboriginal,” a very intelligent male who talked a lot. These Men were named leaders because they cared about the country and the people. As a young fella he was named Jacky Boyjun being Jacky Boyjunior.

Tickenbutt, means “breaking”, he is the son of King Tagenbul who was the ruler of the Esperance and Perth region, plus other distinctive leaders. Fred McGill walked to Perth as a black tracker but went on as a missionary. The government left him “POOR” and he died in 1909.

King Tickenbutt was the KALAAKO ``People of Fire”, where Fire began, about the bird and the Fire Spirit, that’s where our Fire started in our Tjurkupa story. 

King Tickenbutt and wife Bindee

Q:  Who is the Tjalkadjarra tribe and tell me about King Murro Mulurpulni? 

Tjalkadjarra Tribe is a sacred tribe being the “Allodial Title” (Ownership of Lands and Waters). Is the sovereignty tribe being “First Nations Bloodline'' to Oolera Yulara (Australia). 

King TJIDU was the highest chieftain of the Nations. He was 7 feet and held his Shield and Spear always with him.  The shield was the LORE of the tribes.

This is having connection to the flora and fauna and to the people of spiritual beings having connection to mother nature for survival and healing.

The Tjallkadjarra Tribe protected intruders who were not invited to the areas, taking stuff that didn’t belong to them. Corroborees were held to discuss issues affecting other tribes' boundaries. Ceremonies were held with Men to discuss Men’s business.

Murro in language is Black and Mulpurlni is goanna, together it is black goanna being highest chieftain. Therefore, that is king in English terms. Morning Star is also – queen being highest chieftain. 

Top Right- King Tjidu and Wife

Q:  You have been using words like Royal, assent, Sovereign Matriarch and Allodial title. In layman's terms, what does it mean and why do you use this language? 

(a) The meaning of royal assent was found in the separation of the Federation 1890 Manifesto, which was located on the Wall in a building in Boulder.  There was a Royal Tribe from our bloodline who were here before the white colony came and invaded our lands in Coolgardie in 1890.

A meeting was held with 20 Men from Kalgoorlie, Foreigners and had to call upon 40 other Men from Victoria.  The vote was 60 to 1 being the one vote that my Great Great Grandfather stood up for this Wife and Son being Tribal people from this land.

It also indicates that Queen Elizabeth gave the seven States to the seven Nations that they own our sovereignty.  Leaving Australia commanded under the Australian Constitution Act (only Australia has this ACT, but no one else).  I ask the question why? So that Britain can have two empires, whilst everyone has one, and that Included England taking Australia under our sovereignty.

The White Settlement wanted to create their own colony to remove the royal assent being the Aboriginal Tribal Patriarch and Matriarch.  This information is also in the Australian Government Gazzett, 1973 royal assent  (Style n Title Act).  There is also a constitutional monarchy which indicates Aboriginal sovereignty being royalty to our Lands and Waters to Australia.

(b) Sovereignty is a hard one to define. Sovereignty is royalty being under our heavenly Father who created earth.  Sovereignty as Monarchy is mentioned in other nations but Australia comes under the Australian Constitution Act which removed our sovereignty to come under the British Colonial Law.  This law took away our LORE and to come under a government that Britain created under their own illusion.

(c) The meaning of “allodial title” is the ownership of the lands and waters.

England took our crown and our sovereignty to make England the Royal Monarchy to the nations but it was from Australia, where it was stolen from.  Rodney Culleton EX WA Senators maiden speech 2016, also indicates that the Queen mentions our Crown and to feed it to the Dogs.

Q: You have been writing to the Kalgoorlie local council and WA state Ministers for years, telling them about your status in the Goldfields - In simple terms, what do you want from the government? 

In simple terms, I want the Government to return our Lands, Waters and our Families back to our Leadership, instead of the manifestation of starvation and suppression toward our Crown but also placing a Royal Family in poverty.
The Government has taken our reign from our people when it was ours from the beginning.  The Government planned to take our sovereignty but again the Australian Government Gazette Queen Elizabeth stated in the royal assent (Style and Title Act 1973) and the Land Acquisition Act 1974, that if, they acknowledge their royal assent, the land will automatically be given back, being returned to the rightful owners of our lands and waters.

Therefore, as Queen Elizabeth stated and I have complied with her statement, therefore being blood and heritage connected, I would like the land and waters and our families returned back to our people.  This includes deeds, agreements, contracts, negotiations, royalties, and sovereignty back.  The Governor General and Attorney General are both  aware of my requests as royalty from Australia.

Q: Recently, you stood before the Kalgoorlie council - In simple terms, why did you do that? 

As mentioned above, where Queen Elizabeth stated in the Australian Government Gazette, that was passed under Legislation of the royal assent (Style n Title Act) but she stated that IF, they acknowledged their royal assent, then the Land would be given back.  Therefore, I am again claiming what is rightfully ours under our allodial title and the Constitution Monarchy.

As Queen Elizabeth stated, I have complied with the direction given as the Soul Beneficiary, as the Government is only Administrating our Sovereignty until we return. Well, we have returned.

Bindee’s Daughter, Belang

Q: You recently emailed WA Ministers and people of authority stating, 'Who has your authorization to handle Kalaako trust and personal identification? ' In simple terms, how are they doing that? 

Our trust was placed with the Attorney’s General Office, which had control over all finances. The trust was then used to manipulate our lands to be sold to the government without our consent. Then NIAA arranged subgroups of native title providers to lure the people into signing and handing over the lands to the government. The people are not the rightful owners but only INLAWS. We are currently going through Native Title in the Perth Federal Court.

A group called NGADJU also stole our Identity and tried to impersonate our tribe when they came from South Australia.  I am also wanting to take back our Personal Identification being KALAKO TRIBE “People of Fire”.

A PBC is birthed and then the deals are made with the Mining Companies to sell our Gold and Minerals to the Government.  This is then put into the Trust which is then given out to Projects such as $600 million to a Foreign soccer team.  $818 million on a submarine’s by Morrison Government.  The Government is just foolishly spending our Trust Fund to everyone else except for the Soul Beneficiary being the royal assent and the allodial title. 

The Government, Attorney General, NIAA, Governor General, Marcia Langton to return our TRUST, because they are making money off our royalty’s which are swung on the Stock Exchange.  In 1901 my Great Great Grandfather Heinrick Dimer placed KALAAKO being sovereignty  to get businesses, companies, investments, stocks, shares which is paid to KALAAKO but instead it all goes to the Government who has caused a conspiracy to our Country.

Q: In a nutshell, are you wanting the Kalaako tribe to be officially established as the custodians over the Goldfields?  Have you had a meeting with the Wongatha people? What did they say? 

With Native Title and the Government, this has caused one big argument and no one talks to anyone.  Previous claims were made but they also excluded the original tribes to meet and discuss.  So as the royal assent and the allodial title to our Lands and Waters, I am going under Queen Elizabeth's direction to claim our land back through the royal assent.

We are currently going through Federal Court with other claims that have lied about not coming from here.  So, I have spoken to the Elders but they are all very rude as they placed their own claims in, which was selling our Land to the Government.

This is crown land as stated in the Australian Government Gazette, Land Acquisition Act.

The people know nothing of what is going on, and because of blood connections and Inheritance, I am going ahead as directed.


Q: The Kalgoorlie council is taking you to court for unpaid rates - Why do you believe that you should not have to pay rates? 

When John Bowler was in the Mayors position, I received a court order to appear in Court but I notified the Courts that we are currently going through Federal Court to notify who are the true traditional custodians.  I then received a letter of dismissal from the courts, due to Native Title decision, and therefore this could put the Courts into disrepute.

Gough Whitlam also mentioned this in 1970. He stated that we are only Administrators, just waiting for the Traditional Custodians to return.

Why does the crown have to pay rates for her Inheritance and blood connections.  Why does a crown have to pay for her own Land.  

Grandfather: Jacob Dimer