Remote community in lock down


A Pllbara medical service has been quick to allay fears of COVID case in a remote Aboriginal community where it conducts clinics.

Responding to earlier reports of a suspected case in the tiny Martu community of Punmu, near Telfer, Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service chief executive Robby Chibawe said the individual had returned a negative PCR test.

"Yesterday PAMS did a RAT test both nasal and oral.,” Robert Chibawa said.

“It came negative but we had to confirm with the PCR. Today it's come out negative.”

Visitors were asked to stay away from the community.

Yesterday community administrator John Reudavey told Ngaarda Media Punmu had a visitor that may have been a close contact.

"Punmu is in lockdown now," he said.

.If confirmed, this would have been the first case of COVID-19 on any remote Aboriginal community in WA

A sign has been erected at the gate warning unscheduled visitors to stay away.

Tangiora Hinaki