The WA Police say it is perfectly legal to force entry to someone’s home without a search warrant, under certain circumstances.

Noongar man and social justice campaigner Desmond Blurton had a shocking experience just before six o’clock Friday morning at his disabled sister’s home in Perth.

He posted a video of armed police breaking down the door and searching his sister’s suburban house. 

A woman police officer appeared to be in charge of the raid.

“She said” ‘can you open the door, if not we’re going to bash it down’,” Mr Blurton said. “My response to them, I said: ‘well bash it down because there’s nothing here for you to come here for.

“She was calling out to other officers who were there, there was about 10-plus of them, to come and force my sister’s door open.”

A police spokeswoman said officers attended the Kenwick address to locate a “High Harm Offender'' that police suspected was at the premises.

“The Officers explained to the occupants their rights under the Criminal Investigation Act to enter the property to search for the man,” she said.

“Legislative provisions enable police to lawfully enter and search for persons provided certain circumstances are met.”

The spokeswoman said the occupants continually refused entry to the officers, so police forced the door.

“The wanted man was not located and officers departed the address,” she said.

The spokeswoman said arrangements had been made to rectify the damage to the external security door.  

Tangiora Hinaki