Julian Assange fronts court in Saipan to complete the formalities of his plea deal with US authorities ahead of his flight back to Australia.

Ngaarda Media has a special investigation into the transportation of vast loads of ammonium nitrate on roads in WA and the threat to lives when accidents happen.

Western Australia’s first non-stop Jetstar flight from Singapore to Broome landed yesterday. The route marks a new international gateway into regional WA and offers a great opportunity for regional tourism.

The Australian National Organisation for Research on Women’s Safety has announced a two million dollar investment into research on the drivers of domestic violence.

The Department of Justice has welcomed an Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services report that acknowledges the West Kimberley Regional Prison operating philosophy which is focused on local Aboriginal culture.

A project to install air conditioning in every cell at Roebourne Regional Prison in the Pilbara still has no completion date.

For further details of these stories listen to the full bulletin by clicking in the link below.