Mirakai Trindall, a proud Noongar Koori, has always been deeply connected to his cultural roots and the power of music.

“ I first started writing when I was 11, just like stories, and then I started writing songs”

Growing up immersed in various genres—from hip hop to country—Mirakai developed a profound passion for music at a young age.

Initially channelling his creativity through storytelling, he soon began writing music and rap songs, finding his true calling in old-school rap.

Silent is a rap song Bigardoo wrote about the struggles and stereotypes that aboriginal men might be seen as.

Growing up, he would Perform at family gatherings since he was eleven; Mirakai has been honing his craft for years.

Known artistically as Bigardoo—a name bestowed upon him by his Pop—he continues blending his rich cultural heritage with his musical talents, shaping a unique and compelling sound that reflects his personal journey and his Aboriginal identity.

“I like to write music for everyone I wanna make sure everyone can listen”.

Photo: Bigardoo Credit: Supplied