A segment of Dr Norman Tindale’s 1974 map showing the boundaries of Kariyarra/Kariara country.


In the Pilbara, many people are being recognised as Kariyarra people, eligible to be members of the Prescribed Body Corporate for the Native Title group whose country includes parts of Port Hedland townsite.

Pat Mason said her family had been refused membership two or three times since they first applied 10 years ago, and as a result had missed out on many of the benefits funded by mining royalties.

“My mum was near 100 years old and she couldn’t even get a wheelchair; we had to purchase it ourselves,” Ms Mason said.

“She’s one of the beneficiaries of the apical [ancestor] that we actually put forward and proved was someone in regards to the Hedland area. She died in 2020, not getting recognised for her own country, for her old people.”

Kariyarra’s chief executive officer Nic Green said Ms Mason and a number of other people had been accepted as members by the Board, and more were being processed for acceptance at the next Board meeting.

“I don’t know historically how many times Pat and others have applied, but the reason for the applications being accepted was because since I’ve been the CEO I’ve been very keen to ensure that all Kariyarra people who are descended from the 11 apical ancestors as per the determination are in fact members, and that’s what I’m processing and achieving with my board as a matter of due course,” Mr Green said.

Tangiora Hinaki