Controversy has broken out in Hedland regarding a ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ event to be held this weekend as part of the Pilbara Pride Festival.

Drag Queen Story Time will take place as part of the town’s Pride Markets and Parade this Saturday.

Earlier this month, posters advertising the festival were defaced in South Hedland.

Event organiser Gloria Jacob said everyone had a choice as to whether to take their children to the event.

“It’s not an indoctrination,” she said.

“Kids love dress up reading, and it occurs now in early learning centres and other centres. People love it!”

Roebourne local Pennie Deale said she loves the LGBT plus community but does not agree Drag Queen Story Time should be held for children.

“Children are just losing there innocence in today’s world at a rate of knots,” she said.

“It’s alarming. These sorts of things just belong in an 18+ environment.”

Tangiora Hinaki