Halls Creek, WA – Allegations of severe mismanagement and safety issues at Halls Creek District High School have sparked significant community concern. Reports of troubling incidents, including inadequate safety measures, administrative failures, and questionable practices by school leadership, have prompted a response from the Western Australia Department of Education.

Allegations of Mismanagement and Safety Issues

Sources within the Halls Creek community, who have chosen to remain anonymous due to fears of retaliation, have raised serious concerns about the operations at Halls Creek District High School. The allegations include claims that students returning from suspension, some with criminal backgrounds, did so without proper risk or safety management plans. These students reportedly returned to school carrying weapons, with teachers neither informed nor consulted about their return.

In one disturbing incident, a female teacher was allegedly assaulted by a student, while another teacher reportedly stood by without intervening. The affected teacher reportedly received no subsequent support.

Additional concerns focus on a recent camp trip to the Bungle Bungle Ranges, where it is alleged that the camp staff ran out of water, forcing students to eat sandwiches for three days due to poor planning. The situation was exacerbated when an administrative member left the camp prematurely, leading to further organisational issues.

Allegations also include claims of falsified attendance records, with students who did not attend classes marked as present. This has contributed to an alarmingly low reported attendance rate of around 25%.

There are also claims that teachers were encouraged to pay $50 to retrieve stolen keys and that a kindergarten student was allowed to walk home unsupervised across a highway due to administrative oversights.

In another troubling development, police were reportedly summoned to the school to address an incident involving a six-year-old student upset about entering his mother’s classroom.

Department of Education's Response

In response to these allegations, Steve Watson, Deputy Director General of Schools for the Western Australia Department of Education, provided a statement aimed at clarifying the department’s position.

“Students, teachers and staff members have a right to feel safe at school. The Department sought more information about these allegations and has finalised the matter.

“Across the school, there is a focus on creating a positive, safe and belonging environment so students and staff feel welcome and supported every day.

“Where a staff member feels unhappy with the way an incident has been managed, they are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the principal or the regional office.“

Here’s a summary addressing each point:

Department of Education's Stance: The Department of Education has stated that the allegations are unfounded.

Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers: The assertion that six officers departed the site during September is incorrect.

Risk Management for Suspended Students: A risk management plan is in place, and a meeting with parents was arranged for students returning from suspension.

Camp Water Supply: The issue of insufficient water at Bungles Camp was resolved by arranging additional water purchases.

Attendance Records: The claim of falsified attendance records is inaccurate. Attendance rates for Semester 2024 are not yet available online.

EducationTangiora Hinaki