By Tangiora Hinaki
A beautiful soul, who influenced Aboriginal and Maaori people in Western Australia, passed away in Paraburdoo over the weekend. WA Police confirmed that it was a self-harm incident.
Jamie Schuster was a leader, Maori weaponry master and mentor. Jamie was also a father and loving husband. He worked for Rio Tinto in the Pilbara.
Image from left to right: First wangka with a Noongar Elder to request permission to create the Haka and Corroboree for Life. The elder on the right is James Webb. Second photo: Jamie and Leon travelled to America to share the Haka For Life program. They are pictured here with Sanyika “The Firestarter’ Street. Third photo: Jamie and Leon with the Chief of the Tongva nation.
Haka For Life Founder, Leon Ruri remembers when he first met Mr Schuster in Boorloo.
“I received a call on April 24th, 2017, it was the day before the original ANZAC Day Haka For Life in 2017,” Mr Ruri said.
He said he would like to be a part of the kaupapa of the ANZAC Day Haka for Life. Especially the Suicide Prevention Initiative.”
Mr Ruri said that Jamie would always be remembered for his leadership role with the ANZAC Haka and Corroboree for life Kaupapa.
“His stand was for the cultures of this land to be known and to be recognised not only on ANZAC Day but on all days, and us being able to create the world's first-ever Haka and Corroboree in 2018 … He stood in the front and led our haka. He will forever be remembered for that."
He touched the lives of so many people and is well-loved.”
Promo video of Jamie and Leon at Muscle Beach in Santa Monica teaching the haka.
Jamie and Leon travelled to America to share the message of Haka For Life. They were invited by Jeddy Azuma who created the podcast called ‘The Rising Man Podcast’. Mr Azuma invited Haka For Life to collaborate with the men’s empowerment work that he does, which is also connected to the podcast.
“We were invited to teach Haka and we went travel to California. We did it on Santa Monica beach and we taught those men - ‘Ngati toa, rangatira haka, Ka Mate’, that day.
Schuster and Ruri were supposed to travel to San Francisco, Santa Monica, New York and Vancouver to kick off the Haka For Life project, but Covid put a stop to the project.
Ash Penfold from Corroboree For Life with the late Jamie Schuster
Corrborree For Life, Leader Ash Penfold said that Schuster was a hero and brother to him.
“When I received the news of his passing my heart stopped for a moment. I was heartbroken that the person I looked up to the most had not seen a way out during his struggles. His tragic death left me feeling overwhelmed with sadness, confusion, and a profound sense of loss. I remember thinking straight away that I wish I could have done more to help my bro (Jamie) to prevent this tragedy from happening.”
“He was a match for what Haka For Life and Corroboree For Life stood for and the difference we wanted to make to people through culture and empowering people, it was always Jamie standing next to us.
The way he would Haka was so strong and staunch, he inspired me to become a better leader within my own community.”
His love for culture especially our Aboriginal mob was incredible - Always showed respect and he was a massive stand for Aboriginal mob to lead the way – he had contributed so much to how Corroboree For Life has grown and shaped over time.”
The Ngaarda Media team sends our deepest condolences to the family.