The Nindilingarri Maternal and Child Health Services team joined school children at Fitzroy Crossing’s FASD Day March. Credit: Supplied.

In the central Kimberley last week, Fitzroy Crossing hosted a special day to raise awareness of FASD, Foetal Alchol Spectrum Disorder.

FASD is a condition children of mothers who used alcohol heavily during pregnancy have to live with.

Traditional owner Mary Aitkan gave a strong message at the end of her Welcome to Country.

She said many FASD children had managed to make a success of their lives, despite their handicap.

“These children can’t do this alone,” Ms Aitkan said.

“It is up to us as a community to give further support to the children through their chosen pathways.

“It is also up to us a community to stop more children being born with FASD. There is no safe amount of alcohol that can be drunk during pregnancy. There is no safe time for expecting mothers to drink.”

Community members, staff and children from local schools were at the event.

Wangki Radio’s Indigo Wood spoke to Gavin from Bayulu School.

Indigo also spoke to a teacher from Yakanarra School.

Tangiora Hinaki