An Easter Convention, held in Newman over the weekend has been the topic of criticism from Martu elders. Martu elders say their event was not supported and were challenged with many obstacles to receive approval.

To attend the alcohol-free event Aboriginal people traveled from across Pilbara including Roebourne,  Parngur, Jigalong, Nullagine, as far away as Yuendumu in the NT, Perth and Geraldton.

The community elders said they were disappointed to be sitting in the dark at Boomerang Oval with no access to the locked toilets and they had to continue activities in the dark for four nights.

It is alleged the Shire of East Pilbara had promised the community to make the camp ground available with a fee-waver.

However, this was later reneged and Shire allegedly referred camping at Parnparjinya reserve to DPLH making it illegal to camp there.

Martu Elder, Peter Tinker said Maltu Mob are essential part of the country and being a tradtional owner, he felt left out of any decision-making, making him feel ashamed.

“ They never talk to me but they want Pastor, when we went down there they just called Pastor for a meeting,  I should have been there with Pastor,” he said.

Donna Moody,  who had travelled from Perth said she was very disappointed by the lack of support and could not believe the treatment the mob were getting.

“This cannot be happening this time and age, it is 2024 and you know these people in town are being treated like it is 1900-1970’s ” she said.

“It is a shame that the Shire could not do their part”

It is also alleged that the Shire of East Pilbara Chief Executive Officer Steven Harding, was away at the time, and did not give approval because he had not sighted the public liability even though the public liability was in place.

Critics have raised concerns around inclusive access and the use of bureaucratic barriers to disempower people by stonewalling events that the Shire just doesn’t deem fit in its town.

Ngaarda Media has reached out to Shire of East Pilbara CEO Steven Harding for comment.