Evolutions Lounge Bar.


Karratha Detectives have charged two men after a serious coward punch at Evolutions Lounge Bar night club.

Detective Senior Sergeant Jason Blaine said it started after midnight on Saturday.

“There was an incident inside the club which spilled outside the club which resulted in a couple of people being assaulted, one seriously,” Senior Sergeant Blaine said.

“He fell backwards after one punch and landed on his head on the pavement. He’s not in a good way. He’s been flown down to Perth in a coma and we still don’t know exactly what the outcome of his condition will be.”

A 21-year-old man remained in custody overnight charged with assault occasioning grievous bodily harm and is due to appear in Karratha Magistrate’s Court today.

The other, aged 18, was bailed after Police charged him with fighting in public and acts likely to cause harm.

Senior Sergeant Blaine said one of the two male victims remained in a coma in Perth.

Police will apply to have both men barred from all licenced premises.

Tangiora Hinaki