North Rankin Complex. Credit: Supplied, Woodside.

The worker who died in an accident at Woodside’s North Rankin gas operations off the Burrup Peninsula on Friday has been identified as Mr Michael Jurman by contractor Vertech Group.

Vertech provides rope access inspections and maintenance on the offshore gas platform.

“On behalf of our entire Vertech workforce, we extend our condolences to Michael Jurman’s family, friends, and colleagues,” Vertech Managing Director Tom Brennan said in a statement.

“Michael has been part of the Vertech family since 2016 and his loss will be felt deeply.

“Michael was a humble, caring, genuine guy, who brought a positive attitude to every team he was a part of. He had a beautiful attitude to life, and he was well-thought-of by those around him.

“Michael was passionate about rock climbing and caving which naturally led him to excel and love rope access.

“He enjoyed music, having played in a symphonic orchestra as a violist for 13 years.”

The Offshore Alliance Union paid tribute to the worker in a Facebook post over the weekend.

“A gentler soul you couldn’t meet and the offshore community is grieving for a life which has been lost way too early,” the statement said.

Investigations into the incident by WA Police and Australia’s offshore oil and gas regulator NOPSEMA are ongoing.

“We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of the deceased worker and all those present at the facility when the incident occurred,” NOPSEMA CEO Sue McCarrey said in a statement on Friday.

“A team of experienced investigators have been mobilised to attend the scene and a do not disturb notice has been issued to the operator. NOPSEMA is working with other relevant authorities as appropriate.”

In announcing the incident on Friday, Woodside CEO Meg O'Neill said it was a “very said day for the extended Woodside family.”

“I offer my deepest sympathy to our colleague's family, friends and workmates,” she said.

"Any loss of life is heartbreaking.”

According to the ABC, upon arriving in Karratha on Saturday, Woodside executive Liz Wescott said the company would “learn” and “change” to ensure similar incidents did not occur again.

"It is early days and we don't yet have the full knowledge of what led, what unfolded, for this tragedy," she said.

"But we will learn and we will change to make sure no family goes through this ever again."

Gerard Mazza