Trichodesmium, or sea sawdust, is a naturally occurring algae. Supplied: Pilbara Ports Authority.
Supplied: Pilbara Ports Authority.
In the Pilbara, visitors to the beach at Point Samson have noticed a brownish film on the water in recent weeks.
Pilbara Ports environment and heritage manager Dan Pedersen said this was a naturally occurring algae called Trichodesmium, or sea sawdust.
He said although harmless to most people it could cause skin rashes for some, particularly as it died and rotted down.
“What we generally say to people is avoid areas where there’s a high concentration of this stuff, because some people might actually react to it,” Mr Pedersen said.
Learn more by listening to Mr Pedersen speak with Ngaarda Media’s Camilia Samson.
Supplied: Pilbara Ports Authority.