Dreams can be hard to achieve, but with some hard work and determination, even the average person can achieve them.

The hard work has paid off for Trent White, an Aboriginal man and photographer from Rockhampton, Queensland. He’s recently been approved as the NRL’s official photographer, and he couldn't be more happy.

Mr White isn’t afraid to fight for his dreams to become a reality.

“I was quite vocal, especially on social media, and I thought I might upset a few people with things that I would say, but I was very passionate and very keen to have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander photographers, our mob, [photographing] the game,” he said.

Mr white said his favorite part of photography is “meeting mob from all over and getting their stories of who they are and where they come from.”

“It's just what I love to do,” he said.

Listen to Mr White’s yarn with Ngaarda Media’s Chez Coulthard:

Tangiora Hinaki